Brett Dunstan is the founder of Tokyo Guinea Pig
Tokyo Guinea Pig is being established as a charitable organisation dedicated to raising money for cancer foundations.
Brett was ultimately diagnosed by a Tokyo Specialist with a cancer that is typically not seen outside of Asia – and he was treated, and cured, by an intensive chemo and radiation regime that had never been tried before.
Led by Dr Trish Walker, Brett’s life was saved by a team of talented and hardworking “angels” – by hundreds of doctors, nurses and hospital medical staff – as well as by family, friends and loved ones.
This amazing story of survival has led Brett to establish a foundation for the cancer sufferers in Australia
Supported Charities

A Beacon of Hope

Children’s Cancer Foundation
While parents hold close their children fighting cancer, we stand behind them, offering support and care.

Canteen’s mission is to be in the corner of every young person when cancer crashes into their world.

National Breast Cancer Foundation
We’re driven to be the best version of ourselves we can be. We’re genuine and care for others.